Replying to bad reviews

Replying to bad reviews

Turning Bad Reviews into a Marketing Opportunity If you have a business it is only a matter of time, before a disgruntled customer posts a scathing review on Google, Tripadvisor or something similar. Occasionally, a bad review may even be posted by a competitor,...
Tripadvisor Reviews

Tripadvisor Reviews

TripAdvisor Reviews “Hang on this playing field isn’t level!” Love it or hate it TripAdvisor is here to stay, so the sooner you learn to live with it and work with it the better. The biggest problem with review sites like this, is that contented...
Changing Agencies

Changing Agencies

Changing Agencies Sometimes clients change agencies, it is usually as a result of the business changing hands, but it might be because you are disappointed with the service you are receiving. Whenever I am presented with a client who is moving from a competitor, I...
Read Me First

Read Me First

Read this page before you spend your nestegg on a website! A professionally produced website can cost a small fortune and be no better than one you could have bought for a fraction of the cost. Remember it is your businesses “shop window” so it needs to be attractive,...
Changing Domain Names

Changing Domain Names

Changing domain names is no Big Deal is it? Actually yes, it is a very big deal! There really are very few occasions when it is wise to change a domain name to a new one. In fact it is always a really bad idea unless you are: Re-branding and the old name has no more...